Thursday, October 6, 2011


In Gp we have got together in our chosen groups that were formed last year. My group members that I will be working with are Jamie, Lena and Lisa.

To get us prepared for our group project we have been assigned a small task on peak oil as a mock project to help us develop our group skills as a team.

We have been given guidance and asked to research about peak oil, the major problems, what it is, how it could affect us and etc. We have been asked to collate information and present our views from a Global, national, and personal perspective.

So far my group and I are working quite well. When we begun working on the peak oil project we faced a few problems.  We couldn’t finish our research because we were all trying to research the same information at the same time. We basically didn’t divide the work between us equally. It was only until later on when we finally divided the work between us, researched it and completed it in good time.

Now that we have our research we need to move on to the next step which is making the fish bone diagram.